Welcome to Chatsworth Road Medical Centre
"Compassionate, Respectful Medical Care"
Our website has been designed with your needs in mind, with all the relevant information that you may require, from opening hours, how to register or the clinics we run, you’ll find a wide variety of useful pages covering a range of health issues to help answer any questions you may ask.
If you are new to the surgery you can print a copy of our New Patient Practice Leaflet which has plenty of useful information, please click on the link here to view it.
Practice Leaflet - Updated May 2024
The practice has reviewed the guidance on the wearing of face masks in the surgery. The decision has been made to cease routinely wearing masks, unless you have respiratory symptoms, or you have been asked to wear one by a clinician.
If anyone feels they would prefer to continue to wear masks this will be supported. Equally, if you would prefer a clinician to be masked during a consultation, please let the clinician know.
This guidance is subject to change.
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
Updated: 15/04/2024