Advice & Support

Covid-19 Advice & Support

face mask

Advice for parents during coronavirus

Whilst coronavirus is infectious to children it is rarely serious.  If you child is unwell it is likely to be a non-coronavirus illness, rather than coronavirus itself.

Whilst it is extremely important to follow Government advice to stay at home during this period, it can be confusing to know what to do when your child is unwell or injured.  Remember that NHS 111, GPs and hospitals are still providing the same safe care that they have always done.  Here is some advice to help:

Advice for Parents

Derbyshire Voluntary Action Volunteers

Derbyshire Voluntary Action or phone 01629 535091

Can help with shopping, delivering prescriptions, having a chat with for anyone who:

  • is self-isolating because they or a member of their household is at risk
  • is struggling to meet their basic needs because of financial, social or health restrictions
  • is pregnant
  • has underlying health conditions
  • is aged 70 or over

Chesterfield Volunteer Centre

Can offer a shopping service for housebound patients with no family to help them

They are open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm. Contact Number 01246 276777

Patients need to have a shopping list ready when they call the number. They can then arrange payment by one of the following methods. Cheque, Invoice and pay later, Debit/Credit Card via their website, paypal and cash as a last resort as trying to keep germs to an absolute minimum

Chesterfield Befriending Service

If you are feeling lonely a befriending service is there to help.  Click here for all the accredited befriending services in Derbyshire.

Clinically Very High Risk Patient Support

Support for Very High Risk Patients

If you cannot sign up on the website, please phone 0800 028 8327

Advice for Asthma patients click here

Advice for COPD patients click here

NHS Advice for everyone

Mental Health Support

NHS Derbyshire Health Care Mental Health Support

Support for Domestic Abuse

Many of you are aware of the significant rise in domestic abuse incidents nationally during the pandemic. A recent report shows a 25% increase in calls to domestic abuse services in the last two weeks of lockdown. Locally, we saw more than a 50% increase in refuge referral requests last week alone. It is therefore vital that victims in lockdown are aware of how to get domestic abuse support through the pandemic.

Please find attached the latest local and national contacts for victims of domestic abuse. This includes contacts for victims who cannot access support via the telephone.
We want victims to know that although domestic abuse services are running differently, they are still running and they are still able to offer support, advice and refuge.

Domestic Abuse Helpline