Joined Up Care Derbyshire
Why should I visit the website?
We understand you may be anxious about changes to health services during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, so we have set up this web area to act as a one-stop-shop of information.
The website will be updated daily to provide information as quickly as possible.
The site contains:
- Local service changes, for example changes to GP practices, hospitals, community and mental health services
- Daily updates
- Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
- Links to local & national information
If you know people in your family or local community who do not have internet access, please use the site on their behalf and share information. The site is available in different languages online.
If you are concerned you may have coronavirus please visit 111 online at and you will be taken through a symptom checker and given advice on what to do.
Please only call 111 if you can’t go online.
Find out more:
Twitter: @JoinedUpCare
Facebook: joinedupcarederbyshire
Instagram: joinedupcarederbyshire
Call Healthwatch Derbyshire for help and assistance:
01773 880786.
Joined Up Care Derbyshire is a partnership of health and social care organisations in Derbyshire working together to improve care and services for Derbyshire residents.