Direct Access Services

Did you know that you don't always need to see a GP to be referred on to other services?

There are many services that patients can access directly, cutting down on waiting times for you - getting you seen and treated as soon as possible.


If you have had a fall / cut yourself / burns / think you may have broken a bone please attend A&E / Minor Injuries Unit

Local A&E Department:

Chesterfield Royal Hospital


Whitworth Hospital Minor Injuries Unit


You don’t need to see a GP for ailments: eg: cold-sores, hayfever, thrush, conjunctivitis—these are just a few of the things that can be treated with OTC medication & advice from any trained pharmacist.

Please contact your local pharmacy.


We have a pharmacist that works from the surgery to see patients needing medication reviews.

Call the surgery and book in with the Practice Pharmacist: 01246 568065


If you are aged 50+ & require a hearing test our ‘Ear Care’ leaflet has some local providers. If you think you need your ears irrigating please book an appointment to see our Advanced Nurse Practitioner.

Ear Care Leaflet


GP Surgeries do not deal with dental problems. You should contact your dentist, if you are not registered with a dentist NHS 111 service can find you an emergency dentist.

Call 111 or go to:

111 Online


For any musculoskeletal problems such as knee pain, back pain & neck pain —you can self-refer to the Physio service - unless you are concerned it is something more serious then see a GP.

Self-refer by calling the Physio self-referral booking line on 01246 565050 or visit 'MSK and Physiotherapy' page for more infromation.


For any foot related problems you can self refer to the Podiatry Service.

Self-refer by calling Podiatry Service 01246 293731


If you are concerned you may have an STI please call the Sexual Health Service.

Sexual Health Service 0800 328 3383


If you are pregnant, you no longer need a GP to verify it - you can contact the Midwives directly and make your first appointment for when you are between 8-10 weeks pregnant.

Midwifery Base

01246 206161


Struggling with your mental health in pregnancy or as a new Mum. The Community Perinatal Mental Health Team can offer you an assessment and tell you about the help you can access from the 12th week of pregnancy, up until your baby is two years old.

Perinatal MHT 01246 216523 or email:


For infant feeding problems and pre-school (Up to the age of 5 years) child development contact the Health Visitors directly.

Health Visitors 01246 253025


Any school age child that has missed a booster immunisation or for any query about such immunisations please call Immunisation Team.

If you have concerns about your child’s behaviour or mental health contact the SPA Team.

Immunisation Team 01283 707178

SPA Team 01246 515100


If you are aged 16 years + and need some counselling, have low mood, depression or just need someone to talk to - look at our list of local IAPT providers.

IAPT Service Providers


For any lifestyle advice re: Weight Loss / Getting Active / Stop Smoking - you can self-refer to the Live Life Better Derbyshire Programme.

Live Life Better 0800 0852299 / 01629 538200

or online at:

Live Life Better


If you or a family member are housebound and require wound management, catheter support or end of life symptom control contact the Community Nursing Team directly.

District Nursing Team



For an assessment re: incontinence or to obtain incontinence pads please contact the Continence Service. (Adults only)

Continence Service 01773 546960

For More Information:

Continence Services


If you or a family member needs support with care needs please contact:

‘CALL DERBYSHIRE’ to see what support is available to you.

‘CALL DERBYSHIRE’ 08456058058

or visit:

Call Derbyshire